
Azure blob storage account— Node.js CRUD API

In this topic, we are going to have a look at how can we create, read, update and delete files from Azure blob storage using Nodejs.

Azure Blob Storage Tutorial for the Node.js Client Library

In this tutorial, we will use the Node.js Azure Blob Storage client library to create an App Service Web App written in Javascript to read and write blob files. Azure Blob Storage Node.js... · Creating our Node.js Application · Testing it L

Azure Storage Blob client library for JavaScript

This project provides a client library in JavaScript that makes it easy to consume Microsoft Azure Storage Blob service.

Azure Storage Blob client library for JavaScript

This project provides a client library in JavaScript that makes it easy to consume Microsoft Azure Storage Blob service.

How to use Blob Storage from Node.js

This article shows you how to perform common scenarios using the Azure Blob service. The samples are written via the Node.js API.


This section walks you through preparing a project to work with the Azure Blob Storage client library for Node.js. Create the Node.js project.

Quickstart: Azure Blob storage library - JavaScript

This section walks you through preparing a project to work with the Azure Blob Storage client library for Node.js. Create the Node.js project. Prerequisites · Setting up

Store Images and Videos with Node.js, Integrating Azure Blob ...

... Node.js API that facilitates the storage of media files in Azure Blob Storage, while simultaneously linking a reference to the media along ...

快速入門:適用於Node.js 的Azure Blob 儲存體用戶端程式庫

在本快速入門中,您將了解如何使用適用於JavaScript 的Azure Blob 儲存體,在Blob (物件) 儲存體中建立容器與Blob。 接下來,您要了解如何將Blob 下載到 ... 必要條件 · 設定

開始使用Azure Blob 儲存體和JavaScript 或TypeScript

開始開發可與Azure Blob 儲存體搭配運作的JavaScript 或TypeScript 應用程式。 本文可協助您設定專案,並授權存取Azure Blob 儲存體端點。

